Busy Q3

I’ve been kind of quiet on the old blogosphere lately because after two years of being cautious and doing everything we could to stay safe and healthy we had the opportunity to travel and we took those opportunities.

After over two years of being voluntarily homebound and avoiding people we felt confident enough to travel between vaccines and continuing to practice mitigation measures. So far this year we have been to New Orleans, Paris, New York, and Miami with another trip to New York planned before the end of the year. 

It feels weird to be traveling again and it also feels good. We missed adventures and fancy hotels and the Tiny Human hadn’t really been anywhere that she could remember except a local relatives house but that’s not really the same. 

The Tiny Human has already established herself as a fancy hotel and room service kind of girl and charms the staff everywhere we go. She is truly a force to be reckoned with. 

With the holidays coming there is sure to be a flood of feelings and memories - some good, some bad - that will need to be dealt with. 

Overall time and distance have helped with the healing and forgetting but there are still some that pop up that have to be dealt with every year. 

My main goal as a parent is to provide a childhood and homelife that will not require a therapist or blog of her own later in life. I can’t guarantee that but I can do my best to not be part of the reason. 

Next time, whenever that is, I plan on sharing why my obsession this holiday season is a vinyl copy of Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits Vol II. 

If you’ve read this blog before and suspect it has something to do with Auntagonist you’re correct! Please see someone at the Courtesy Desk to claim your prize. 

I am working on (or attempting to) a handful of other writing projects and will try to be more consistent with my posts and venting in the new year.