Sorting It Out - Part 1

At this point in my life I have spent more time out of organized religion than in it and I can definitively say that I feel a difference in myself and my quality of life.

I have way less guilt and anxiety and self-doubt and self-loathing. 

I’m part of a group chat with a few folks I went to bible college with and we all have the same kind of survivor’s guilt feeling about the whole experience. My experience church youth groups and bible college destroyed my self-confidence and self-esteem and filled me with anxiety, self-loathing, and guilt because I never felt like I fully fit in those places. 

As the parent now myself I have been processing through a lot of memories and emotions and realize and can see more clearly how absolutely fucked up some parts of my childhood were thanks in some part, but not entirely, to organized religion and how it was practiced around me. 

My former default was to just go along with whatever made the other person happy and would avoid conflict. That is what was modeled for me and it was and is not a healthy way to go through life and has not served me well in my life. It has been and remains a conscious effort to recognize and correct the just go along with it mentality and behavior. 

It’s a conscious effort to recognize and correct my behavior when I find myself in a situation where I don’t necessarily agree but also don’t want to risk any kind of conflict. Not going along with something I don’t agree with doesn’t mean the only response option is the nuclear option of blowing up and causing harm to the relationship (something else I saw modeled growing up). It has taken a significant amount of conscious effort to unlearn so much of what I learned and saw modeled growing up and I’m still working on it. 

When I was a sophomore in high school and had given up and didn’t care about school anymore my mother started going to a new church which meant I had no choice but to go. I was compelled to get involved with the youth group. I soon discovered that the typical “don’t ever leave the house” rule did not apply if it was something church related. Doing church stuff was the ONLY acceptable reason to not be home so I used this new loophole to my advantage to be gone as much as possible. 

If there was something going on at the church, I was there. Not out of devotion to the cause but the desire to not be at home. 

When the time to go to college was approaching I got it in my head that I had to go to bible college. Again, because that was the only way I saw to get out of the house and completely away from the dysfunction I did it. Once there, I never felt like I truly fit in or even belonged there. 

Years later I was finally able to put my finger on why I felt this way: I never actually believed or bought into the religion stuff. Going along with it was necessary for survival in my home situation so it was not really an option to not go along with it. 

I knew what to say and how to act but deep down I never fully believed it. It was the only way to not be at home. 

Growing up all the adults around me used yelling and shame (in the name of god) to control my behavior and eventually it broke my will to do anything and I gave up. 

Looking back I see that I was “tended to” rather than “raised”. I was never taught about how to handle money. I was never allowed to have an after school job. Any mention of possible career paths was met with “you’re called to be a pastor” and never discussed further. Another example of how my future was stolen. 

It probably wasn’t the strongest sign that vocational religion wasn’t the thing for me when I had to be reminded that that’s what I was “called” to do with my life. My heart and mind were never really in it. 

This post was originally longer but I decided to end it here and save the rest of the original post for a part 2. 

In the Hopper

Lots going on.

Planning birthday parties for the Tiny Human.

Planning for house guests.

Selling more typewriters.

Working on stories.

Working on posts for this page.

Staying hydrated.

It’s a lot.

I’ve got a couple in the hopper that will be cathartic.

The more I think about and process events of my childhood the more I recognize how truly fucked up some of it was. So much time and energy wasted going along with whatever I had to to keep the peace or not upset my grandparents. So much time and energy wasted in church and on religion that did nothing but create anxiety and self-esteem issues.

Can’t change the past but I can move forward.

Change is Coming

Change is coming but it’s not as ominous as it may sound. I will be moving this part of the site off the main page but it will still be just a click away from the menu at the top by clicking Ramblings and all of my brain and heart dumps will still be here for your amusement.

The main page will soon be home to posts that are writing about writing. Sort of a public accountability journal and ideas sandbox as a work on different projects and stories.

Stolen Future

In the last post, Incoming Doozy, I thought in a few days I would put into words all of the thoughts and feelings and memories that have been coming to the top but it’s been overwhelming and I’m processing it as I can. There will be much more to the story but this is as good a place as any to start. 

Late in the afternoon on a spring day my future was stolen. Not completely, mind you. I did continue to age and have done things but recent revelations have brought to light the previously unknown significance of my mother deciding to pull me out of the school I was in at the time to put me in a school that she, in her extremely limited worldview, felt was “better”.

It was not. 

To get into the school she was pulling me out of I had to take a test. I recently learned what kind of test it was and what the required score was to get into my school. Since I was also on the younger side because of a late birthday it’s a more significant achievement. 

An achievement that was discarded because I would have had to take the subway and bus to school and apparently worrying about a 6 foot tall, 200lb person being kidnapped is a totally normal thing. In reality, I can see in hindsight it is because I would have been more independent and less under the ever watching eyes of my extended family (that I lived with) who never left home and didn’t think anyone should ever leave home.

See what I was up against? Not fun. 

At the new school I was frustrated and bored depressed. Even though I knew it was her financial choice I didn’t care and I didn’t try. I did what I had to do to get through it. 

Shortly after starting the new school we started attending a new church. It was fine. At first. Looking back with years of experience and wisdom I see how churches are similar to pyramid schemes and prey on emotion and fear of missing out and creating a sense of need. When I was in grad school a professor talked about a book that compared the “religion” of basketball in some parts of the country to pentecostal churches and found similarities in the whole group mood/emotion aspects of it. 

I started going to the youth group and that was traumatizing at the time and in retrospect and does not need to be elaborated on at this time. 

College was another matter where I was left rudderless.

No one in my immediate family had gone to college so there was no precedent or idea of what to do. At the new school most kids were going to one of a few Lutheran colleges nearby and that didn’t interest me at all. 

By this point, the youth pastor had suggested I go to bible college. I went on a campus visit trip and thought it wasn’t terrible and if nothing else it would get me out of the house. 

One thing (of the many blazing red flags I willfully ignored about the bible college) I did not consider is that the school was unaccredited which means that the credits earned there were useless at any non-bible college. I would come to regret this later. 

This is the first of what will probably be many therapeutic brain dumps of thoughts, emotions, and feelings that I am only now able to recognize and process. 

Lots of additional thoughts and feelings on all the years spent wasted in and on religion.