Is this thing on?

2023 is over and it was a pretty damn good year here in the near suburbs of Detroit.

Did some traveling. Saw friends and family. Took the (not so tiny anymor) Tiny Human to her first Pearl Jam show and Disneyland along with assorted other exotic destinations.

Read some good books and wrote a lot of sentences, some of which even were related, but didn’t complete anything polishable or sharable.

Going to try and change all that this year by mixing it up and doing things different. On some writing related post on a social media site (can’t remember which one at the moment) someone shared a link to a story about Ray Bradbury where he said that in addition to writing a lot he read a short story, an essay, and a poem every day. He also suggested writing a short story every week for a year because you can’t write 52 consecutive bad short stories.

We’ll revisit that theory at the end of the year.

That sounded like both a good idea and totally doable considering that now that the kiddo is in school I have a smidge more “free time” in the mornings.

My goal for this year is to be more deliberate in how I spend my time and energy and use both more for writing, creating, drawing, spending time with the kiddo making memories, cooking, and baking.

And it’s all doable if I am consistent and mindful of how I spend my time daily.

All that said, I have a story to finish and publish by Sunday.