2739 Words

What is 2739 words?

Is there a hidden meaning?

A secret code?

No. It’s the number of words a day I would have to write in order to write 1,000,000 words in a year.

Is it a lofty goal? Yes.

Have I achieved said lofty goal? No.

Am I still working towards achieving that goal? Yes. Sort of. As much as I can.

I first had the crazy idea that I could write a million words in a year in the time before there was the most amazing Tiny Human in my life and I had things like regular sleep and free time. Both completely foreign concepts to me now but I digress. I have managed to complete one fairly decent short story that was received pretty well and I was lucky enough to have it chosen for critique by one of my absolute favorite authors!

I know I’m not some fount of wisdom when it comes to writing especially finishing the hundreds of shiny story ideas that live in various states of completion in my notebooks and on scraps of paper that were handy in the moment but sometimes it helps get a story unstuck if I do something like this stream of consciousness brain dump writing in a notebook or online.

If anyone ever finds anything I share helpful, awesome! If not, I’m sorry.

Lots more writing related brain dump stuff coming in fits and spurts. I learned long ago not to promise any kind of regular publishing schedule.