Nothing Left in the Tank

What Kind of Week Has It Been

I know the actual title of The West Wing episode is What Kind of Day Has It Been but for me it’s been a mentally, physically, and emotionally draining week and I have had no energy or brain capacity to read or write or create.

Between it effectively my last week working at the job I’ve been at for the last almost 8 years after being unceremoniously sacrificed in the penultimate round of layoffs. And it super sucks. I like the people I work with. For the most part we all started within about a month of each other and have shared, directly or virtually, relationships, weddings, births, losses.

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It’s a lot to go from talking to people daily for so long to them not being part of your daily life anymore.

The whole thing is bittersweet but still sucks a lot.

The start of a new chapters is a part of life.

Some endings are more painful than others but all lead to growth in one way or another.

All good things come to an end and such is my time with [COMPANY NAME REDACTED].

On to bigger and better things after a week in the sun.